Sunday, April 20, 2014

Chapter 8 Writing to Learn in the Content Areas

Chapter 8 Writing to Learn in the Content Areas, addresses one of the most complex areas of teaching for me personally.  I know it is going to sound horrible but I hate teaching writing.

In Chapter 8 it states the importance of being a good writer and how writing is the most complex communication process within the communicative arts.

As i read more into the chapter it discussed how writing is view as a way of discovering rather than for testing. The chapter discusses many strategies that teachers can use along with reading comprehension.  The symmetry between writing and reading comprehension helps develop academic success.

There are a few concepts that I found to be interesting and even usable within the classroom. The first example provided was a warm-up with student generated questions. I began to think about a few weeks ago when the students and I were talking and I asked the students to write down something they wanted to know about as it pertains to the sun. I received some really good questions from this investigative session. One student wrote how many miles is the Earth from the Sun. Not knowing what do do with this question, I did research with the students and answered it for them. I could of applied other strategies and made this simple question more meaningful.

Another strategy that can be used that I liked from this chapter was the written conversation where students are armed with 1 sheet of paper and 1 pencil or pen. Students use the paper to make predictions, draw inferences, make personal connections, ask questions or detect things that deviate from the norm. I think this strategy would be an awesome collaborative writing project.

As the chapter moved on I gained a better understanding for writing. I know now that I don't always have to "grade" the end product. BUT that students do better when they know someone is going to read their writing. I also learned that there is a time for teaching students how to write for testing and teaching them how to write for metacognitive development.

As I have always desired, I will continue to take professional development classes that offer suggestions and strategies for writing. But I feel it is important that I find formal training classes to help me conquer writing. It is my weakest subject, but because I want my students to do well, it is important that I work at getting better at it.

What's your weakest subject? How do you conquer your fears? And how do you use/ or predict you will using writing in your classroom?

In the article, You can't learn from books you can't read, author Richard Allington talks about the "one size fits all" approach that our students are experiencing. Not only do our students have textbooks that are out of date but they also have books that are not revelant to what is happening in today's world. I often find my students unable to make connections regarding some of the things that they read.

As all the the new SOL requirements and the push to increase rigor is constantly discussed and pushed we are not taking the advice that Allington addresses in the article. "...students will be more successful at new tasks when the tasks they face are closely targeted to their academic skills, developmental stage, and the resources they bring to that task and when families and schools structure tasks in ways that provide appropriate levels of challenge and support".

I wonder how others feel about teaching to a students level. I know that typically in small group instruction the teacher "groups" students by reading level and typically spends about 20 minutes with the students. I would think an ideal situation would be allowing students to be grouped and then rotate to a classroom for the full 90 minutes and work on different activities that are at their level. This would be right in line with Allington's suggestion of individualized instruction.

So how will you provide your reader with individualized instruction that allows them to be a successful reader?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chapter 6 Moving beyond the textbook

Chapter 6-Moving beyond the Traditional Textbook and Transmission Methods, was the most exciting read so far. As it discussed how the days of using a traditional textbook are outdated and a disservice to students, it gave many interesting tips on what teachers can do to support communication using a multimodal platform.

Typically, I struggle with background knowledge within the classroom. I have developed this mindset (that I am aware of) that even if the student know something, it isn't going to hurt them for me to tell them again. But in reading the section of chapter 6 about the use of a cloze I began to realize that I could use that as a tool for background knowledge! I adore the ideal of taking a passage and deleting the 10th word and having the students fill it in! This week in science we will be learning about the water cycle. I looped with my students from last year to this year and I feel that the cloze would give me a clear understanding of what the students still know and areas that we may need to focus on again to guarantee full comprehension of the water cycle. I am going to edit a passage and try this technique this week. I'm curious if it will change the way the lesson go.

Has anyone ever used the cloze method in their classroom?

I admit the cloze method made me think about Mad-libs that I did as a young child. I began to think about actually using this as a lesson for fun friday. I would take a mad-lib give it to the students and let them create their own mad lib. When the students are done, perhaps have them change what they wrote to make a paragraph that is more sensible.

I think using the cloze for my mid and upper ability groups would be interesting. However, for my lower level learners, as per the text, I might do a small group setting and use the maze to help eliminate frustration.  Guaranteeing the students that this is not a graded assignment would be beneficial and offer a no pressure assessment of prior knowledge. I could do this for the upcoming weeks lesson and then plan accordingly to what I learn from the students responses.

This chapter gave me a new prespective on the Lexile scoring that Norfolk Public Schools uses. I like that using the Lexile score helps lower level students pick material to read that would truly benefit their learning. However, for at or above level learners it could be paired with Fry, checklist, and a common sense approach. The technique of having students turn to the middle of a book and use the rule of 5 to determine if a text is at their level or not helps the student take responsibility for their learning.

Does anyone currently run into problems with this approach?

I do have concerns in regards to the students being responsible.

I am researching if our school uses A-Z reading. A-Z has leveled readers that would allow students to read the same subject matter but the level of reading. A-Z combined with their Lexile level would help me group students accordingly.

In regards to technology in the classroom, I would love if we had access to a blog site that the students could access. I think it would be an excellent tool to use for reflection. Students' could blog about the subject and even use the internet to do more research. I know that my student's love using computers but I don't often use them in a capacity that they could be used in. How do you use technology in your classroom?

In closing, I agree that students must have many different approaches to learning about a certain subject. For the upcoming year, I will begin to look at the pacing guide and how I can tie all subject areas into what we may be learning. This chapter gave me the idea that the water-cycle (science) and probability (math) could be tied together, creating a symmetry between the two concepts. This chapter was the most interesting read of the book thus far.

**Update..I did a little experiment on my nephew who goes to my school. I gave him an at level book and a paper pencil test. He scored a 71% then I asked him to go to AR and take an AR test on the book..Can you believe he scored a 100% and took the vocabulary test as well??!!** He's much better at using technology to test than he is at paper/pencil. Do you think we have conditioned today's children to depend on technology too much or too little? 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chapter 11 Supporting Diverse Learners in Content Classrooms

Chapter 11 was an interesting read for me. Being that I am orginally from Illinois I related to the voices from the classroom section directly. As a young child, I spent most of my summers are many cultural festivals. I would explain to my mother that I didn't understand why we were going to the Asian American festival if we weren't Asian. She would often reply with a simple don't you want to know what they know. Planting that seed of cultural interest was big for me. As a young child I knew that we were close to my Grandparents home when we would begin to smell manure because they live in southern Illinois. We also knew that we were getting close to the city when we began to see tall buildings and there was a different "mysterious" type odor in the air. I understood that my "two families" ate different and did different types of activities. I developed a love and passion for both. I love a true southern baptist church, and have a small fetish with some country traditions. I think of how different my life was back then compared to my classmates.

One of the most interesting changes from Illinois to Virginia was the inclusion structure. In Illinois inclusion didn't mean that the student spent the majority of their day in a general education classroom. Typically, the special needs students would be included in the general education classroom for a certain amount of time each day. In Virginia the student is included all day.

In Virginia, the gifted students are removed for services each day with the gifted teacher as long as they are identified. This was not the case in Illinois. Gifted and talented students weren't identified and didn't receive special interventions.

I must admit that one of the MOST challenging things each day for me is differentiated instruction. I don't know if I will ever master it. From year to year and just when I think I have the strategy or method that works, the kids change. Daily my challenge is how to I keep students who are at a 5th grade level engaged while the two students who are at a first grade level get the basic concepts? And while doing all that how do I make sure that all students are on task? engaged? and learning? How do I manage the student with a physical compulsive disorder? How do you create an environment where all students respect and understand students who may look or behave differently?

I had a strong connection moment during my reading of Chapter 11.

Last week, my student with a compulsive disorder stole money from another classmate. She admitted to taking the childs money. Later in the week, another student called her "sticky fingers" she looked down at her hands and touched two fingers together to see if they were indeed sticky. At that moment, I realized that the students didn't understand analogies. Since then, we have begun working with analogies. I know that they play an important role in the students understanding and learning.

I also LOVE the use of the student interactive notebooks. I have my students use their interactive notebooks. Since this class I have changed the notebook just a bit. My students write the concept on the top line. Then they list in a red square "What I know" students are able to write everything that they know about the subject we are talking about. Students also highlight the things that they know and prove to be confirmed facts. I like this approach. In addition, the students can use the interactive notebook to bring in things from the outside that they can add. Perhaps a poem or magazine article that they make a connection with. I love the interactive notebooks. It also allows students an opportunity to determine information that is important vs. interesting.

I have developed very specific guidelines regarding respect in my classroom. I allow students to recognize differences and at times we even talk about them. I think this approach is why I do not currently have issues of bullying or romance within my room. We also celebrate small successes in the classroom, a years worth of growth is just as important to me as a student who is working at level. Growth is growth!

My challenge is the gifted students, keeping them motivated and keeping them engaged. I also want to know how to create a 100% buy-in in the classroom, how to keep all students accountable and motivated.

I would like to look into getting some beginner-oriented texts for my struggling readers. I think this would be a helpful strategy.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Midterm Questions

What strategies work well for special education students in regards to vocabulary?

I would expect to see questions about visual literacy, affective domain, conation (36), internal locus of control(42)

Preparing for Fables and History

3.1          The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Greece and Rome have influenced the present world in terms of architecture, government (direct and representative democracy), and sports.
3.10        The student will recognize the importance of government in the community, Virginia, and the United States of America by

a)   explaining the purpose of rules and laws;

b)   explaining that the basic purposes of government are to make laws, carry out laws, and decide if laws have been broken;

c)   explaining that government protects the rights and property of individuals.
3.12        The student will recognize that Americans are a people of diverse ethnic origins, customs, and traditions, who are united by the basic principles of a republican form of government and respect for individual rights and freedoms.



TSWBAT- identify that there are different ethnic origins, with different customs and traditions.

TSWBAT –to analyze what law was broken, dramatize what the offense was and what the alternative could have been.

TSWBAT- produce a written opinion based on if the offender’s punishment were done by direct vs representative government.

Written purpose- Students should understand that the three basic principles and the type of government determine what laws are created.

Before the lesson TTW give S word inventory

Words will be

citizenship, thief, consequences, morale, fable, liberty, pursuit of happiness, judge, judgement, guilty, innocent,  and rules

TTW put the title of the passage on the board. The Thief and his Mother.

TSW make predictions and create possible sentences that may be found in the story.


Story Impression-

I would place the word CITIZENSHIP, THIEF, CONSEQUENCES,and  JUDGE,  in three places around the room. (leaving space for students to post their note cards underneath.

Each student will look at the words and decide which one they have knowledge of and write what they know about the word. Post their definition underneath the word.

TTW give each student a Reader's Theatre copy of the thief and his mother. TTW allow students to work within their group to act out the Reader's Theatre copy of the Thief and His Mother.

**Have more steps to add here

When the students have completed the task TSW begin discuss what are some characteristics of of the boy

Students will spend 4 minutes doing a rally robin about what is unspoken about the mother?

**This is not complete

The students will infer what the author meant by determining the morale of the story.

#2 Pages 176-183 Stop after possible Sentences

See Chelsa's blog

Chapter 7 Vocabulary

Chapter 7 Vocabulary

This week I learned about the impact of vocabulary in today’s schools.  I must admit that I love vocabulary and all of the “tricks” of the trade.  After this chapter I felt as if I had been doing a disservice to my students in the sense that I sometimes don’t let them struggle through incidental vocabulary that they encounter. I will typically define the word before we begin reading or while we are reading. I do know that at times when I am actually facilitating a lesson that I will use vocabulary that the students may not be familiar with and try to back it up with a sentence that contains its synonym  to guarantee that the students understand what they are reading.

My favorite activity was the 7.2 Word inventory. This would be a great introduction strategy. It would be an awesome assessment of what they already know. It would also help me to determine prior knowledge. (One of the things in the past that I have struggled with)

I do, however, celebrate the fact that I am good at concepts of context. When there is a word that has a different meaning across curriculum I stop to address it with the students.  We talk about the way the word was used and the context in which it was used.

One thing I would hope to grow into is vocabulary podcasts.  Being able to use podcast would be a monumental experience for the students.  The students definitely enjoy technology enhanced learning. I believe they would embrace the concept.

I wasn’t a fan of the jot chart method until I began to think about the fact that I work in a lower social economic area that has extreme challenges with vocabulary.  I think about the speech that our gifted and talented teacher gave at the beginning of the year and a parent said “I don’t have a clue what that over-educated lady is saying.” I would be interested in knowing what the students thought for the possible definition as this could shed some light on cultural differences or even economic differences. I would like to marry the jot chart with a type of dictionary game and see if the students are more motivated to complete the activity.

After reading the chapter it placed an intense need on making sure that I spend time teaching vocabulary.  I know that my students struggle in this area and the chapter made me realize that my deficiency in context clues may stem from my lack of attention to vocabulary. I also will not be using all the suggested vocabulary words as per the teacher manual, but will read the passages, stories, or poems myself and determine which words would be beneficial to focus on. OF course I love illustrations and will allow students to do that as well. I am a firm believer that if you can’t talk it out you can draw it out!